A guide to help you to get the most out of your vehicle when it comes to fuel consumption. Take note of the recommendations and save yourself some cash, as well as doing your bit for the environment!

To help the environment you could always do your bit by driving a vehicle that produces less toxic emissions and uses less fuel. If you are looking for a car that’s cheaper to run, it will obviously use less fuel which is great. Also such cars go a long way to minimize pollutants in the atmosphere. To help lessen emissions there are other areas to bear in mind.

Simply purchase the correct vehicle for your requirements. Car sales men in Stoke often see buyers purchasing cars that bear no resemblance to the persons needs, for example, people carriers are only practical if you’re going to utilize all the seats. And of course a smaller car will be more economical if it’s just the two, (or sometimes three) of you.

The weight of your vehicle is more important than its engine size when it comes to fuel consumption. Believe it or not, a big engine in a small car can be economical, where as a heavy car of course uses a lot of fuel to get going and stopping.

Automatics change gear for you as they don’t have a clutch. This can certainly result in a smoother drive around town and make it a tempting proposition. There is a downside in that they use more fuel. Car sales men in Stoke would agree that traditional automatics use about 10% more fuel than manuals. A fuel saving consumption over traditional autos and even manuals however, are ‘automated manual transmission’. These kind of vehicle utilise modern technology and are growing. It’ worth mentioning that fuel consumption remains reasonably static at motorway speeds, and the difference between manuals and autos is negligible.

4 Wheel Drive
A four wheel drive vehicle with the same body style as a two wheel drive will have about 4% worse fuel consumption. Or, to put the comparison another way, a four-wheel drive carrying an identical load to the most economical of vehicles will have fuel consumption up to 14% higher..

Fuel Choices
Diesel vehicles will produce more toxic emissions than petrol vehicles, but they give out about 10% less carbon dioxide as they use less fuel than petrol cars. The best economy is given by diesel engines that have direct injection. The worst fuel consumption are LPG vehicles, although they do give out toxic emissions that are lower.

Fuel consumption – the nuts and bolts summary

* Choose the smallest car your needs are suited to
* You will pollute less the less fuel used
* To look after the environment newer cars best
* Road tax is not only bases on CO2 levels but also on the fuel type of your vehicle
* Automatics generally use more fuel than manuals
* Petrol cars give out more CO2 than LPG and diesels, and, Diesels give out more toxic emissions than LPG and petrol cars
* The way you drive your car can affect the amount of fuel you use

There you have it. “A guide to help you to get the most out of your vehicle when it comes to fuel consumption. Take note of the recommendations and save yourself some cash, as well as doing your bit for the environment!”

Carl Tait provides help, advice and information for car sales in Stoke. Visit http://carsalesstoke.com/ for many more tips and resources.

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