If you are looking for a way to give to charity but don’t think that you can afford to make a regular donation, do not worry.  There are plenty of ways you can help the world around you without having to pay a huge amount yourself, simply by using certain types of credit cards linked with Eco-friendly charities.

(This post does not advocate in any way that spending more or taking out any form of credit is the best way of giving to a charity and we suggest that you thoroughly check out the credentials of any bank before you associate with them. In many cases credit cards with ECO rewards may just be another form of GREENWASH. It is probably far better to use other cards with cash back rewards and give the cashback directly to the charity via gift aid ( see Money Saving Expert “Ditch Those Charity Credit Cards”.)  But on the other hand if you are not convinced about or concerned about green-wash then at least using an Eco rewards credit card is better then nothing at all. Much to think about and it will be intersting to hear your thoughts.)

Examples of Eco Rewards Credit Cards

Credit cards such as Breathe from Barclaycard are really revolutionising the way in which we are banking, by offering cards which allow us to help the earth and ecology through doing nothing but simply using it on a regular basis.

In other words, consumerism doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing (as long is it is kept within reason of course, and the purchases that you make are of essential things that you really do need). This works through the fact that we are not directly paying anything, but a percentage of the money made from what we do is then given to green charities, allowing you to have a sense of reward even when using your credit card for purchasing the more mundane of items.examples of green credit cards

The really great thing about credit cards with Eco rewards is that it is a very passive way of helping a cause, yet it is also very effective. Through doing little more than ensuring we use our credit card in place of using our cash wherever we can, we are effectively giving huge amounts to charity.

Another example is the “RED” credit card, which is American Express card.

With the RED credit card you will can make a meaningful contribution to the worldwide fight against the killer disease AIDS.  As American Express is a global leader for credit cards this charitable gesture by them can have enormous impact with millions of people creating the funding as they spend. 1% might not sound a lot initially,  but you can imagine how much this can all add up.

Tailor made credit cards for your favorite charities.

Many credit card providers now offer charities the opportunity to promote the credit card and earn a percentage for their cause with any purchases that the credit card holder makes. The Co-Op credit card for charities is just one example of these types of cards which are usually branded especially for the charity concerned.


You can also ensure that any large purchases you make are done with a particularly green credit card, to ensure that you give as much money as possible to the charity being supported. For example if you are using the Co-op or HSBC green card then it makes sense to purchase more expensive items via these credit cards. 1% of the cost of your new laptop costing around £500 amounts to £5. Pay for your holiday of £3,000 and a charity could receive £30.  And don’t forget it is usually better to pay for large purchases by credit card as they can offer a higher level of consumer protection.

Another card you can consider using is the Triodos card, which once again allows you to give money to charity at no extra overall expense to you. These types of cards really are the future as they allow so much money to be raised for charity, whilst giving you good deals and a sense of satisfaction in helping combat global warming and the like, while the banks themselves benefit from having these initiatives in place.

It really is a situation where everyone wins, and if you have not yet got a green credit card then it is well worth looking into, as you will undoubtedly be able to find a good deal whilst helping the world around you.


Comparison of rewards credit cards – reviews of all the UK’s leading rewards credit cards.

5 Top Credit Cards Linked with Environmental Charities – roundup of 5 top environmental credit cards from around the world.

Are These 8 Green Credit Cards the Best in the World? – Environmental Graffiti poses the question.