Clean Tech
Reduce waste and require as few non-renewable resources as possibleHydroponic Growing Systems Are They Right For You
With ever increasing food prices, many people are turning to growing gardens who have never done so before. While playing in the dirt is a great way for many to have a lot of fun, some prefer not to have soil under their nails and on their clothes. There is a cleaner...
Popular Degrees That Are Changing the World
As the next generation emerges into adulthood, they are seeking to not just be in this world, but actually make the world a better place to be in. They recognize the preciousness of the planet and the limitations of resources, and desire to be educated in ways that...
Renewable Energy: Why Is It Important?
As a source of environmentally friendly and renewable power, the potential offered by renewable energy is being increasingly well documented as the world’s supply of readily available and affordable fossil fuels begins to run low. One of the reasons for this...
Reduce Energy Consumption With An Insulated Home
In order to reduce the impact humans have on our planet, many governments around the world are actively seeking to reduce Co2 emissions. With tonnes of harmful gasses entering our atmosphere every year, great saving must be met in order to slow down Global Warming....
Recycled Glass – What Happens to It?
Glass recycling is one of the oldest and more popular of the forms of recycling that goes on. Bottle banks have been with us for quite some time while it wasn't that long ago when you could return used bottles on the promise of a few pennies. Those days may be gone...
Ethical Methods for Lighting Your Home
Did you know that a single 10-watt LED bulb used in place of a 43-watt halogen incandescent bulb will save you roughly 800 kWh of electricity over its lifetime? That might not sound so impressive, but imagine if your entire house was lit with LED or CFL...
Using Heat Pumps to Reduce the Carbon Footprint in Your Home
The UK government is championing the heat pump, recently announcing that their aim is to have 1.2 million heat pumps up and running by the end of 2020 to help it to meet the international green target. But what are the advantages of this new leader in heating...
The Dangerous Materials Inside Your Computer
The earth is taking a beating at the cost of our global wasteful practices. Why do we keep getting rid of the old for the new electronic gadgets? Wouldn't it be far better to practice repairing and upgrading instead of replacing and wasting? As an effort to keep the...
LED light bulbs are gradually becoming mainstream with green innovation producers and consumers, as they use less power, last longer and radiate more light on a pound - for - pound premise than usual glowing bulbs. Due to the prevalence of energy-saving LED lights,...
Why you should own a stainless steel water bottle
There’s no denying the power of stainless steel. It’s becoming more commonly used across a range of industries, as well as in our day to day lives. In fact, it’s sneaked into our lives rather seamlessly by conquering its plastic counterparts. Say goodbye to plastic...