Clean Tech
Reduce waste and require as few non-renewable resources as possibleReinventing Fire: renewable power sources
Can communities exist "off the grid" by producing their own power? Perhaps, one day...not so far away! A growing movement to small-scale renewable power sources -- wind and solar -- is building momentum. It's not coming, it's not a distant light -- it's here, now. One...
Green is Not That Green! Five Ways to Ensure Safety of Green Energy Sources
Concerns on safety and waste products has led to a growing demand for green energy. These are energy sources that are from renewable sources or are inexhaustible. This article focuses on how to ensure safety of green energy sources. Energy is no doubt the most...
Tips for Increasing Building Efficiency
The overall energy consumption in the United States can be greatly attributed to buildings. In fact, buildings are responsible for almost half the CO2 created in the United States. At the same time, both commercial and residential...
Chemical Drain Cleaners – The Hidden Dangers
Toxic chemicals are used in many store bought drain cleaning products and they pose a threat to you and the environment. Chemicals such as sulphuric acid, caustic soda, and sodium hydroxide are found in many of these products and work by ‘eating’ away at the drain...
The Latest Innovations in Renewable Energy
Renewable energy is seen as a way to both invigorate an economy in need of new job sectors, reduce the amount of pollution that is spread across the world, and manage fuels and resources in a sustainable manner. Renewable energy innovations are developed by...
Sustainability and Solar Pathway Lighting
In the wake of a new millenia, the world is focusing on sustainability: how to reduce plastic in the oceans, how to stop the glaciers from melting, and how to reduce human impact on the environment? Yet, sustainability isn’t just about going green. It...
5 Ways Technology Will Help the Environment
All across the world, entrepreneurs and business moguls are seeking to promote an ethos of environmental consciousness into their respective enterprises. Companies everywhere are building sustainable practices into their business models and utilizing the latest...
How A Wind Turbine Generator Works
I've only viewed wind turbines from a distance which makes it really difficult to get to grips with size of the regular wind turbines that we tend to see in the shallow seas or in our countryside or wind farms around the world. But with heights of around 25 to 45...
A look at the government’s Clean Growth Strategy
The government has launched its Clean Growth Strategy which outlines the proposed approach to creating a lower-carbon future for the UK. This comes as part of its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions on a national scale. The in-depth document which was...
Clean Energy: The Wave of the Future
In recent years, it has become clear that a major transformation must take place in order to secure our energy future. Damage wrought by carbon and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is causing the earth to warm, destabilizing the global climate. The possible extent...