Work comes with stress. Sometimes that stress is a short term symptom related to a high-profile project or anxiety over recent changes.

However, those working in the wrong job can experience long term stress leading to serious health problems.

Signs Of Stress in the Workplace

  • Trouble falling asleep, or waking throughout the night without being able to return to sleep.
  • Grinding teeth during the night.
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Sudden weight gain or weight loss
  • Stomach issues, including aching, diarrhea, and ulcers
  • Unusual headaches or migraines
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Having a short temper with friends and family
  • Overall feelings of depression

Stress Causes Health Problems

As difficult to deal with as stress symptoms may be, the long term health risks associated with stress in the work place are much worse. Those who experience extreme stress on the job without making a change may begin to experience chronic ulcers and muscle pain. Continued stress can even contribute to heart attack, nervous disorders, and psychological problems.

Stress does not always act alone to create health problems for those in the wrong job. Many times, individuals with a high stress level feel too tired for exercise, eat more junk food as a way to feel comforted, or turn to cigarettes, alcohol or even drugs. All of these activities complicate stress related health issues.

Dealing with Work Place Stress

Those who are not ready or willing to leave their current job can apply some short term actions to alleviate stress. Even though fatigue sets in at the end of the day, finding time for exercise is a proven way to reduce stress. A short aerobic workout three times per week may help fight fatigue and loss of energy.

Getting up from the desk during the day is a must when dealing with a stressful job. A ten-minute walk around the office building, a quiet moment in the car, or reading a chapter in a great book are all ways to get away from the stress and reset thought processes.

Almost all companies offer vacation time, and they do so for a reason. They know employees who take a few days or weeks off are happier and more productive. Yet, many individuals do not take their vacation time. When stress levels reach unhealthy places, it is time for a few days off.

When stress comes from conflict with a coworker or boss, individuals may put off dealing with the issue out of fear of consequences. However, not dealing with these types of conflicts almost always makes the stress worse in the long run. Speaking to a boss or supervisor in private about an issue is a great way to make feelings known and resolve conflict. Simply talking the issue out may alleviate some stress.

Time for a New Job

When a person is in the wrong job for them, dealing with stress in the above ways is often only a temporary solution. If the job is not a good fit, employees are always going to feel the stress of conflict or of not being able to perform to expectations. In these situations, short term solutions should be used while individuals seek employment that will make them happier.

This guest article was contributed by Jennifer Bell from Health Training Guide.

Jennifer is a freelance writer and mother of 2 based in Los Angeles, CA.