A wind turbine is a wind mill that generates electricity.

Traditionally, wind mills were used to perform a task such as pumping water. These days, the large wind turbines are used to generate electricity. Large wind farms consist of anywhere from a couple of wind turbines to over a hundred wind turbines. These large arrays are often used to generate electricity for commercial applications, such as large companies or energy providers. Wind turbines can also be used by individuals to provide energy for their homes. The amount of megawatts that a wind turbine can produce varies based on the type of turbine as well as the location. The largest wind farm, which is located in Texas, produces just under 800

Types of Wind Turbines


There are two main types of wind turbines. One has a horizontal axis (traditional wind mills, for example), and the other has a vertical axis. The most common type of wind turbine has a horizontal axis and three arms. These turbines can be installed on land and offshore. These wind turbines tend to be very large, and they need to face into the wind in order to be as efficient as possible.

The vertical wind turbines are less common, but they are more versatile. They can use wind coming from any direction which helps them to be efficient in areas that are windy but do not have consistent prevailing winds. They are also smaller, which makes them more appropriate for rooftop installations or residential use.

How Does a Wind Turbine Work?

A wind turbine generates kinetic energy, which is energy generated through movement. The wind turbine converts the kinetic energy into mechanical energy, which is kinetic plus potential energy, through the use of a generator. Mechanical energy is then used to generate electricity, which is then transferred through wires to the power grid or the building. A wind turbine has three main parts: the rotor blades which spin in the wind, the shaft which spins at the center of the rotor blades and generates rotational energy, and the generator, which generates the electricity. Most wind turbines include a tower that supports the whole structure. The rotor blades are shaped like the wings of a plane, which helps make them aerodynamic.

When deciding on a location for a wind turbine, you need to do some research. First, you need to look up the average wind speed for your area as well as the Wind Power Density for your area. The average wind speed will help you know if your wind turbine will generate a good amount of electricity. The WPD tells you how much power can be generated per square meter. This measurement results in seven classes, and if your area is below Class 3, a wind farm is not viable.

While installing a wind turbine is an expensive undertaking, the government provides a number of incentives to help people offset the costs of erecting one of these turbines. Additionally, the feed in tariff means that you will be paid a small amount for the renewable power that you generate. This is a great option for renewable energy, especially if you have a lot of property at your disposal.

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