What Does the Label on Your Coffee Really Mean?

What Does the Label on Your Coffee Really Mean?

Today, you no longer have to make the decision to just buy coffee. Popular coffee brands, including Starbucks, now advertise a wide variety of specialty labels, such as organic, Fair Trade, and even Rainforest Alliance certified coffee. But what does it all mean? Do...
Chicken Manure Fertilizer for Happy Plants

Chicken Manure Fertilizer for Happy Plants

If you are going to use your chicken manure (or poops) for fertilizer make sure you compost it first as it is very high in nutrients which can cause scorching if you simply scatter it around your plants. Chicken manure will produce superior flowers and vegetables when...
Ludicrous Laws of the Land

Ludicrous Laws of the Land

This post was written over 8yrs ago and it may be even longer by the time you get to read it. Not sure if these ludicrous laws even exist anymore……that’s up to you to decide. Here we go anyway….enjoy! We are taught from a young age to follow...
5 Basic Ideas Of Social Justice

5 Basic Ideas Of Social Justice

Social justice is a concept that is simultaneously concrete and amorphous. Pinning it down accurately is quite the challenge because it is as much an ideal as it is a number of tangible actions. Here are 5 basic ideas of social justice to shed light on the motivations...
Online Education Admissions is Making the World Smarter

Online Education Admissions is Making the World Smarter

The internet has given us many gifts, but one of the greatest benefits has been the focus on global online education. It is possible for anyone with an internet connection, no matter where they live, to learn anything from geometry to physics to conversational...