A Great Website is a Conversation and Not a Monologue

A Great Website is a Conversation and Not a Monologue

Is Your Website a One Way Conversation? Any successful web copywriter knows that a website which does not engage its readers will not keep them coming back again. Turn your website from a boring monologue into an interesting place for discussion and debate! Think back...
How to Get People Talking On Your Blog

How to Get People Talking On Your Blog

How many comments does your blog get on a regular basis? Some blogs are like buzzing cocktail parties where many people are engaging in passionate and exciting conversations, but some blogs are so quiet that you can almost hear the crickets chirping. Encouraging more...
Are You Just Writing for the Sake of Writing?

Are You Just Writing for the Sake of Writing?

We’ve all heard about how “content is king” and so bloggers all over the internet are furiously churning out content so that they can keep their readers coming and their rankings high. However, sometimes bloggers and copywriters can fall into the trap of simply...
The Copywriter and Public Reaction

The Copywriter and Public Reaction

One of the major areas where clients are asking me for advice more and more is whether the content I’m writing for them is something they should react to, or if they should hire me to do the PR in relation to their blogs and articles too. Broadly, there are two...